The contents page and SEO

Contents page - and the content of the website as a whole - is an important element of the most time consuming - to reflect and write. The contents of this page begins with good keywords and key phrases right. Choose as many as THREE words or key phrases that are relevant to a web page. Why only three? Would not the more keywords will be more attractive to search engines? NO. At least two problems that will occur too many keywords for one page website. First, the more keywords will reduce effectivity each keyword individually. So two or three words / key phrases for a page is the most optimal. Another issue is relevance. The more keywords increasingly difficult to focus on the overall content of a particular topic. The risk is "confusing" search engine. The number of words / phrases that are less powerful key relevance to the topic pages are considered a potential overall deception (spamming) by search engines.

Once you determine the two or three words / key phrases that will be used as a focus, make sure that the word / key phrases in the content of the page. Many assume the more often the word / key phrases appear in the contents page will be the higher the page ranking in search engines. Careful! Because this is not entirely correct. Too often the word / key phrases in the content of the page brings the risk of your site to try to fool search engines. This deception technique called "keyword stuffing" where the word / key phrase repeatedly called on the content of the pages that are not reasonable level.

The frequency of appearance of keywords in the content page is called keyword density (keyword density). Almost all search engines consider keyword density is too high is something unnatural and "suspicious". Google is one search engine Astu very strict in this aspect. 5-7% is a number that must be maintained. More of the range would be very bad impact on website ranking. Yahoo, MSN, and most other search engines to fix the number 5%. More than that, the web page will be removed from the index.

In addition to keyword density, other factors are dominant for the content of this page is updated and focus. The more often the content of the website and update content on the page the better. This can lead to many commercial websites now have a BLOG, because the blogs are generally updated on a continual basis, both with new writing and with comments from visitor and readers. The contents of the website should focus on specific topics relevant to the word / phrase targeted keywords. This is also one of the advantages that blogs are considered as instruments that are SEO friendly, because in general the writing and the comments will focus on a particular topic.

Try to consistently add new pages to your website content relevant to the overall focus of the website. Try also to add or update the contents of the pages of existing without changing its focus. Does not necessarily mean to blog. What is important is the content that has consistently updated.

Make sure also that you always check the link components. Besides relevant, the links must also be functional. Broken Links (page not found the goal) is hated by the search engines. The use of databases and programming to generate dynamic content of the website has more possibility of broken links, so you should be more careful and should be more diligent inspection.

The last thing you consider is feasible interactive forum. At each site page, provide facilities to visitors to provide comments. Comments may be personal opinion, experience using the product is live, and so on. In addition to the contents page gives you a growing and stay focused, this facility also maintain an ongoing relationship between the website visitors.


kerja said...

great post. thank you for this info

admin said...

you're welcome my friend.

Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa said...

Wow, thanks for info... great.. keep sharing...

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